Portrait and Purpose

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Who we are

An association of Swiss and foreign professionals, students and interested persons/institutions in the field of energy related geosciences.
SASEG is a contact point for questions concerning geosciences and geo-resources.
We do not represent any interest groups and are free from political, commercial and ideological ties.

 What we do

As an association of professionals from industry, research and academia, we are dedicated to advancing a deeper understanding of the complex interrelationships between the geosciences and the use of geo-resources (technology of exploration and production).

The aim of our activities is to give more weight to scientific knowledge and facts and to hold the energy discussion on a rational basis.

We organise an annual scientific convention in Switzerland or in nearby  countries, and combine this with lectures and geoscientific excursions under the guidance of renowned experts from Switzerland and abroad. Partners are very welcome at this meeting and the excursions.

We publish, together with the Swiss Association of Engineering Geologists, the "Swiss Bulletin for Applied Geology" with scientific articles  as well as information on the association's activities.
We organise lectures in cooperation with other Swiss and foreign professional associations and organisations.

 What we offer

SASEG provides an international platform for social, informal contacts and professional networking. Typically professionals from industry interact with academia and students. SASEG members receive free of charge the Swiss Bulletin for Applied Geology, which is published twice a year. Furthermore, additional information via the website and access to lecture series and excursions are provided free of charge.